The SMART tool in ARTICONF is a suite of microservices that collectively provides a data‐driven abstraction framework, capable of finding relevant interest group communities without violating users’ privacy and anonymity. The SMART tool adaptively responds to changes in the social media with the changing needs and requirements. Moreover, it provides a decentralised decision making and reputation mechanisms for solving disputes in collaborative models, preserving the trustful and autonomous users‐centric environment. Check out the video to know more about SMART!
SMART provides the next-generation social interaction analytics framework to tackle your misinformation concerns and allow others to benefit from your expert opinion. Powered by your democratic participation, where each opinion matters!
SMART weaves magic around to show you aggregated ratings of
trustworthy content and reputed social media users around you.
Have you ever seen a post on social media and was not sure if it was real or not?

You came across an information that you knew was obviously fake and shown out of context?

You had no idea how to make your knowledge count?
SMART cares about your expert opinion and lets you rate content for authenticity and for its quality.
SMART learns from you and gives you back what you deserve!
The Trustworthy and Non-Malicious Content Exploration.